Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means ‘rock’), and upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it (Matt 16:18) and (1Cor 3:9)
Welcome to G.R.A.C.E Ministries International
About Us.

G.R.A.C.E Ministries Int'l was birthed in 2015 by a vision of Jesus Christ in a little home office and is now growing in its influence in Australia and the rest of the world.
We believe that Christ Himself builds his church and we are co-workers and bondservants in the Kingdom of God.
Our mandate in this generation is that of redemption, glorious redemption through the power of the risen Christ that is at work in those who believe. God’s desire is that we may be set free from the yoke of sin and bondage into His glorious life and light knowing full well that He who the Son sets free is free indeed John 8:36.
Our Vision & Mission
Our Vision:
Our Vision is to create an impact on the lives of people who have been bound and oppressed by unpredictable circumstances that led to their unbelief in the Christian faith by providing them with a message of hope. As predestined children of God, we also want to see the will of Christ be done in the lives of members of our organisation as chosen vessels for the kingdom of God on Earth in conformity with the purpose of his will through the gospel that brings conviction, confession, repentance and salvation. Through our belief and faith in Jesus Christ, we will be marked in him with a seal of the Holy Spirit that was our promise and guaranteed inheritance of redemption of those who are God’s possession. (Eph. 1:11-14)
Our Mission:
Is based on the great commission Jesus gave to his disciples; " To see the Gospel of Christ preached in every corner of the earth, make disciples of all nations, Baptizing and teaching them to obey his commands. (Matthew 28:18-20)
Statement of Service Value
- We believe that Jesus Christ is the only son of God who died and rose from death to give us eternal life and free us from the schemes of this world.
- We are committed to providing a comprehensive range of community services, mentorship programs to our members, youth and Pastors across Western Australia and the churches we oversee in Africa or internationally.
- As a Pentecostal Apostolic fellowship, we believe in the maintenance of integrity, equality in Christian beliefs, and respect for the word of God which is our guide to our mission operations.
- We value the ethical management of information provided by our clients and members.
- We guarantee a free mentorship program to assist in the achievement of our goals and objectives
Our weekly Services:
Wednesdays Bible Study – 7pm to 9pm
Currently studying Extreme Lives for Extreme times by Bob Chapman.
Friday night prayers – 9:30pm to 12:00 midnight
Sunday morning fellowship – 9:30am to 11:30am